Exodus® Wallet® Login®

Unlock the power of your crypto holdings with a quick and convenient login to your Exodus Wallet. Dive into the future of finance today.

How to Login to Exodus Wallet

Step 1: Download and Install the Exodus Wallet

First, ensure you have downloaded and installed the Exodus wallet on your device. It is available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.

Step 2: Open the Wallet

Once installed, open the Exodus wallet by clicking on its icon on your device.

Step 3: Accessing the Dashboard

If you are not asked to log in upon opening, you are directly taken to your dashboard. Exodus wallet doesn't use a traditional login system with usernames and passwords for its desktop and mobile applications. Your wallet's security relies on your device's security and the backup phrase you set up during the initial wallet creation.

Step 4: Ensure Your Wallet Is Secure

It's crucial to ensure your wallet is secure. Always remember to keep your recovery phrase safe and never share it with anyone. This phrase is the key to accessing your funds.

Additional Security Measures

  • Consider setting up a passcode lock on the mobile app for an additional layer of security.

  • Regularly update your Exodus wallet to the latest version to benefit from the newest security features and improvements.

Last updated